CHAPTER 5: Oracle Apps Order to cash(O2C) Cycle
CHAPTER 5: Oracle Apps Order to cash(O2C) Cycle:--
Back end Tables names for receipt:
1. ar_cash_receipts_all
4.ar_receivable_applications_all -- intermediatery table between invoice (ra_customer_trx_all)and receipt(ra_cash_receipts)
Link between invoice and receipt ?
SELECT trx_number, amount, receipt_number, receipt_date
FROM ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa
WHERE AND rcta.customer_trx_id = araa.applied_customer_trx_id
AND acr.cash_receipt_id = araa.cash_receipt_id
and acr.receipt_number = '23674519';
Note: The intermediary table used to combine the invoice and receipt
tables is called ar_receivable_applications_all. Where can you discover the balance amount?
SELECT rcta.trx_number, amount,
receipt_date, apsa.due_date,
FROM ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa,
ar_payment_schedules_all apsa
WHERE rcta.customer_trx_id = araa.applied_customer_trx_id
AND acr.cash_receipt_id = araa.cash_receipt_id
AND rcta.customer_trx_id = apsa.customer_trx_id
And acr.receipt_number = '23674519';
Create accounting
Dr- cash
Cr- receivable
Journal import – it will create journal entries
Last step in O2C FLOW
STEP7: Transfer journal entries to gl:---
Transfer to GL:
Transfer of Invoice to GL:--
Choose and submit the "Transfer Journal Entries to GL" program under receivables management.
Give the following param.
Enter today's date as the end date.
publishing summary: no; import journal: yes; click "OK."
it will launch the following concurrent programs:--
only one--journal import program (Contains batch number->check in GL>Journal)
once all the programs are completed
take batch number from “journal import program” FROM front-end
The journal entries are still not published in GL.
access the GL responsibility page. USA general ledger vision operations
go to Journal -> Inquiry
select * from GL_JE_BATCHES> to get the batch number from back end
from front-end you will get the batch number ,take batch number from “journal import program” FROM front-end
give BATCH NAME= Receivables A 38254227457687 AND click on find
The journal entries are still not published in GL.
access the GL responsibility page. USA general ledger vision operations
go to Journal -> Inquiry
select * from GL_JE_BATCHES>to get the batch number from back end
from front-end you will get the batch number ,take batch number from “journal import program” FROM front-end
give BATCH NAME= Receivables A 38254227457687 AND click on find
Now post the above journal:---
Go to GL>Journals>Post
give BATCH NAME= Receivables A 38254227457687 AND click on find
Select the required batch and Click on post button as shown below
After post button, it will launch the program called Posting:Single Ledger.
To verify go to GL> Inquiry-> journal to check whether the journal is posted or not
Give the batch name and find, it will show posted.
select * from GL_BALANCES where ledger_id=1 and period_name=’Oct-20’
back end tables:---
4.gl_balances-- after posting only records will be found here .
AR SLA GL Link drill down query:--
SELECT ctt.cust_trx_type_id, lgd.set_of_books_id, lgd.amount gl_posted_amount,
ctl.extended_amount ar_trx_amount, ctl.description inv_item_desc,
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment2
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment3
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment4
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment5
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment6
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment7
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment8 gl_account,
gp.period_name, cta.trx_number trx_number,
ctl.interface_line_attribute1 sales_order_number,
ll.line_number sales_order_line_number, ctt.NAME transaction_type,
xdl.unrounded_accounted_dr, xdl.unrounded_entered_cr,
xdl.unrounded_entered_dr, xal.gl_sl_link_id,
h.je_category journal_category, h.je_source journal_source,
l.accounted_cr je_lines_accounted_cr,
l.accounted_dr je_lines_accounted_dr,
l.description je_lines_description, l.entered_cr je_lines_entered_cr,
l.entered_dr je_lines_entered_dr, h.NAME journal_name,
b.NAME journal_batch_name, l.je_line_num journal_line_number
FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all lgd,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
gl_code_combinations gcc,
gl_periods gp,
oe_order_headers_all h,
oe_order_lines_all ll,
ra_customer_trx_all cta,
ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt, -- XLA Tables
xla_distribution_links xdl,
xla_ae_lines xal,
xla_ae_headers xah,
xla_events xle,
xla_transaction_entities xte, -- GL Tables
gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc,
gl_import_references gir,
gl_je_headers h,
gl_je_lines l,
gl_je_batches b
WHERE lgd.customer_trx_line_id = ctl.customer_trx_line_id
AND lgd.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
-- AND lgd.gl_posted_date BETWEEN '15-DEC-2015' AND '16-DEC-2015'
-- AND lgd.org_id = 204
AND gp.period_name = 'OCT-20'
AND lgd.gl_posted_date BETWEEN gp.start_date AND gp.end_date
AND cta.cust_trx_type_id = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
AND cta.customer_trx_id = lgd.customer_trx_id
AND ctl.interface_line_attribute1 = TO_CHAR (h.order_number)
AND ctl.interface_line_attribute6 = TO_CHAR (ll.line_id)
AND xdl.source_distribution_type = 'RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL'
AND lgd.cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id = xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
AND lgd.code_combination_id = xal.code_combination_id
AND xal.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
AND xdl.event_id = xle.event_id
AND xdl.event_id = xah.event_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id(+)
AND xal.gl_sl_link_id = gir.gl_sl_link_id
AND xal.gl_sl_link_table = gir.gl_sl_link_table
AND h.je_batch_id = b.je_batch_id
AND l.je_header_id = h.je_header_id
AND l.je_line_num = gir.je_line_num
AND l.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id
AND cta.trx_number = '10037506';
Back end Tables names for receipt:
1. ar_cash_receipts_all
4.ar_receivable_applications_all -- intermediatery table between invoice (ra_customer_trx_all)and receipt(ra_cash_receipts)
Link between invoice and receipt ?
SELECT trx_number, amount, receipt_number, receipt_date
FROM ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa
WHERE AND rcta.customer_trx_id = araa.applied_customer_trx_id
AND acr.cash_receipt_id = araa.cash_receipt_id
and acr.receipt_number = '23674519';
Note: The intermediary table used to combine the invoice and receipt
tables is called ar_receivable_applications_all. Where can you discover the balance amount?
SELECT rcta.trx_number, amount,
receipt_date, apsa.due_date,
FROM ar_cash_receipts_all acr,
ra_customer_trx_all rcta,
ar_receivable_applications_all araa,
ar_payment_schedules_all apsa
WHERE rcta.customer_trx_id = araa.applied_customer_trx_id
AND acr.cash_receipt_id = araa.cash_receipt_id
AND rcta.customer_trx_id = apsa.customer_trx_id
And acr.receipt_number = '23674519';
Create accounting
Dr- cash
Cr- receivable
Journal import – it will create journal entries
Last step in O2C FLOW
STEP7: Transfer journal entries to gl:---
Transfer to GL:
Transfer of Invoice to GL:--
Choose and submit the "Transfer Journal Entries to GL" program under receivables management.
Give the following param.
Enter today's date as the end date.
publishing summary: no; import journal: yes; click "OK."
it will launch the following concurrent programs:--
only one--journal import program (Contains batch number->check in GL>Journal)
once all the programs are completed
take batch number from “journal import program” FROM front-end
The journal entries are still not published in GL.
access the GL responsibility page. USA general ledger vision operations
go to Journal -> Inquiry
select * from GL_JE_BATCHES> to get the batch number from back end
from front-end you will get the batch number ,take batch number from “journal import program” FROM front-end
give BATCH NAME= Receivables A 38254227457687 AND click on find
The journal entries are still not published in GL.
access the GL responsibility page. USA general ledger vision operations
go to Journal -> Inquiry
select * from GL_JE_BATCHES>to get the batch number from back end
from front-end you will get the batch number ,take batch number from “journal import program” FROM front-end
give BATCH NAME= Receivables A 38254227457687 AND click on find
Now post the above journal:---
Go to GL>Journals>Post
give BATCH NAME= Receivables A 38254227457687 AND click on find
Select the required batch and Click on post button as shown below
After post button, it will launch the program called Posting:Single Ledger.
To verify go to GL> Inquiry-> journal to check whether the journal is posted or not
Give the batch name and find, it will show posted.
select * from GL_BALANCES where ledger_id=1 and period_name=’Oct-20’
back end tables:---
4.gl_balances-- after posting only records will be found here .
AR SLA GL Link drill down query:--
SELECT ctt.cust_trx_type_id, lgd.set_of_books_id, lgd.amount gl_posted_amount,
ctl.extended_amount ar_trx_amount, ctl.description inv_item_desc,
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment2
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment3
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment4
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment5
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment6
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment7
|| '.'
|| gcc.segment8 gl_account,
gp.period_name, cta.trx_number trx_number,
ctl.interface_line_attribute1 sales_order_number,
ll.line_number sales_order_line_number, ctt.NAME transaction_type,
xdl.unrounded_accounted_dr, xdl.unrounded_entered_cr,
xdl.unrounded_entered_dr, xal.gl_sl_link_id,
h.je_category journal_category, h.je_source journal_source,
l.accounted_cr je_lines_accounted_cr,
l.accounted_dr je_lines_accounted_dr,
l.description je_lines_description, l.entered_cr je_lines_entered_cr,
l.entered_dr je_lines_entered_dr, h.NAME journal_name,
b.NAME journal_batch_name, l.je_line_num journal_line_number
FROM ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist_all lgd,
ra_customer_trx_lines_all ctl,
gl_code_combinations gcc,
gl_periods gp,
oe_order_headers_all h,
oe_order_lines_all ll,
ra_customer_trx_all cta,
ra_cust_trx_types_all ctt, -- XLA Tables
xla_distribution_links xdl,
xla_ae_lines xal,
xla_ae_headers xah,
xla_events xle,
xla_transaction_entities xte, -- GL Tables
gl_code_combinations_kfv glcc,
gl_import_references gir,
gl_je_headers h,
gl_je_lines l,
gl_je_batches b
WHERE lgd.customer_trx_line_id = ctl.customer_trx_line_id
AND lgd.code_combination_id = gcc.code_combination_id
-- AND lgd.gl_posted_date BETWEEN '15-DEC-2015' AND '16-DEC-2015'
-- AND lgd.org_id = 204
AND gp.period_name = 'OCT-20'
AND lgd.gl_posted_date BETWEEN gp.start_date AND gp.end_date
AND cta.cust_trx_type_id = ctt.cust_trx_type_id
AND cta.customer_trx_id = lgd.customer_trx_id
AND ctl.interface_line_attribute1 = TO_CHAR (h.order_number)
AND ctl.interface_line_attribute6 = TO_CHAR (ll.line_id)
AND xdl.source_distribution_type = 'RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ALL'
AND lgd.cust_trx_line_gl_dist_id = xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1
AND lgd.code_combination_id = xal.code_combination_id
AND xal.code_combination_id = glcc.code_combination_id
AND xdl.event_id = xle.event_id
AND xdl.event_id = xah.event_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = xah.ae_header_id
AND xdl.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
AND xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id(+)
AND xal.gl_sl_link_id = gir.gl_sl_link_id
AND xal.gl_sl_link_table = gir.gl_sl_link_table
AND h.je_batch_id = b.je_batch_id
AND l.je_header_id = h.je_header_id
AND l.je_line_num = gir.je_line_num
AND l.je_header_id = gir.je_header_id
AND cta.trx_number = '10037506';
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