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Oracle apps Order to Cash : Internal Sales Order(ISO)

Internal Sales Order(ISO)

When one inventory organization has an excess of an item while another organization has a shortage of the same item, ISO is required.

So to transfer the material from M2 to M1 is done by using the internal requisitions / internal sales orders.

Within our organization transferring items from one subinventory to another subinventory.

M2- Boston Manufacturing ---------- M1 (Seattle Manufacturing)

Modules Involved here is po,inv,om

Pre requisites

1) Item creation (mtl_system_items)

If we create an item in Vision (V1) master organization, we can assign the items to M1,M2 etc suborganization.

Give the item name and save then

• Organization assignmenttools Organization assignment

• Apply template  tools copy from purchased items

• enabling attributes

Internal ordered

Internal orders enabled


2) create onhand qty in transactions> miscellaneous transaction -------------M2

(Quantities of items assigned in Inventory> miscellaneous transaction)

change organization to M2 miscellaneous transaction

verify onhand qty of items  Inventory>onhandquantity, availabilityquery by item name or description, if not found means quantity of item not created in miscellaneous transaction

3) shipping network :--

Setup>organizations>ShippingNetworks and click on find

If M2 to M1 entry not there then, create a new record M2 to M1

4) Interlocation Transit Times :-- verifying here

Setup>organizations>Inter-Location Transit Times

Go to view->find

THEN click on find, it’s a shipping method

5) Define internal customer location, here we are creating a customer ----------------------------------AR M1- seattle

Go to receivables>customer> create/maintain customers

Customers- create/maintain customers

Search with vision


Business purposes

Ship to

Customer name=Dealer A Region

6) Define cost  Inventory>costs>item costs

7) Verifying transaction source and type -----------------------------PO(Purchase Order)

Navigation—Purchasing>setup-organization-purchasing options

Internal Requisition Order Type --Mixed

Internal Requisition Order Source --Internal

Pre-requisite done,

Now we need items in M1, so we need requisition for this and here we will create automatic Sales order. Let’s create Requisition

1) Requisition –Internal Requisition (if purchasing within the organization) ,purchase Requisition(if purchasing the items from outside organizations) ----------------- 15954(16046)

Go to purchasing>requisitions>requisitions

PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_All--------- requisition_header_id

PO_REQUISITION_LINES_All------- primary key -- requisition_line_id

Po_req_distributions_all – primary key -- distribution_id

2) Approve> click on approve, the status will be changed to Approved(16046)

It will went for approval, go to requisition summary

3) Create internal orders :-- now to create auto sales order run the program called “Create internal orders” from purchasing responsibility

Internally Create internal orders program will transfer the data from PO requisition tables to OM Interface tables

select * from po_requisition_headers_all where segment1='16046'

Po requisition tables -- OM Interface tables –

to Oe_headers_iface_all


4) Run “Order Import” program go to order management responsibility

Order management>Orders, Returns>Import Orders>order import request

This program will do the entered and booked sales order steps

Order source=internal

Order reference=requisition number parameter


Order entry --------- 69489 --- entered status



5) Booking --- Booked status

Now to get sales order number, go to orders,returns>Order organizer> give the requisition number(16046) and click on find, and then click on open

Get the order number=69525

Note: we can create sales order by api using OE_ORDER_PUB Package

6) Pick release -------------M1—no stock

7) Shipping -------Autoship

Order management>shipping>Release Sales order, find with order number

Go to inventory tab and change the warehouse to M2, shipping tab=autopack delivery =yes, very three tabs and then click on execute now

8) PO Receipt ----------------M1

After shipping, go to purchasing>Receiving>Receipts, Find with requisition number,

Now here step1: select the po line check box, step2: Click on Header, Step 3: save then only receipt number will be generated.





Sales order


IR/ISO query

SELECT porh.segment1, porl.line_num, pord.distribution_num,

ooh.order_number sales_order, ool.line_number so_line_num,

rsh.receipt_num, rcv.transaction_type

FROM oe_order_headers_all ooh,

po_requisition_headers_all porh,

po_requisition_lines_all porl,

po_req_distributions_all pord,

oe_order_lines_all ool,

po_system_parameters_all posp,

rcv_shipment_headers rsh,

rcv_transactions rcv

WHERE ooh.order_source_id = posp.order_source_id

AND porh.org_id = posp.org_id

AND porh.requisition_header_id = ool.source_document_id

AND porl.requisition_line_id = ool.source_document_line_id

AND porh.requisition_header_id = porl.requisition_header_id

AND porl.requisition_line_id = pord.requisition_line_id

AND porl.requisition_line_id = rcv.requisition_line_id

AND pord.distribution_id = rcv.req_distribution_id

AND rcv.shipment_header_id = rsh.shipment_header_id

AND ooh.org_id = posp.org_id

AND ool.header_id = ooh.header_id

AND ool.shipped_quantity > 0

AND ool.orig_sys_line_ref not like '%OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL%'

AND ool.source_document_line_id is not null

and porh.segment1='15954'---requisition header id

what is join between requisition and sales order ?


As per the Business Flow , the link between sales order and purchase requisition exists in Drop Ship Orders. When we do create the Drop Ship Orders then it creates Link between sales order and purchase requisition. Drop Ship sales orders is the process in which customers place the order for Company but company did not ship that order from itself , instead company told its supplier to directly ship the items to the customers.So this is the Business link between sales order and purchase requisition in oracle.

SQL Link Between sales order and purchase requisition in oracle

Table Join between sales order and purchase requisition in oracle



SQL Link between sales order and purchase requisition in oracle



ph.segment1 "PO Num"




po_req_distributions_all rd,

po_headers_all ph,

po_distributions_all d

WHERE 1 = 1




AND ORDER_NUMBER = :P_Sales_Order_Number

AND rd.requisition_line_id = PRL.requisition_line_id

AND d.req_distribution_id = rd.distribution_id

and ph.po_header_id = d.po_header_id;

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