Oracle Apps( EBS) Interview Questions and Answers Part 7
Oracle Apps( EBS) Interview Questions and Answers Part 7:--
6. In user defined exceptions, if there is any error occurred, will it terminate the program or continue the program?
7. Where you will define mail body in alert?
8. Types of tables in plsql?
6. in user defined exceptions, if there is any error will it terminate the program or continue the program?
Solution : the control will go to exception block and there execute the exception and then complete the program.
7. Where you will define mail body in alert?
Solution : Alert manager>alerd definition screen>action button>details
8.Types of tables in plsql.
Solution :
Three types of collections, or table types, are available in PL/SQL.
• Nested tables or Associative arrays with index-by tables
• Varray, or variable-size array
The structure of both nested and index-by PL/SQL table types is the same, and the subscript notation is used to retrieve their entries. One thing separates these two kinds of tables, though: nested tables can be kept in a database column, whereas index-by Tables are unable to.
Collection Type Number of Elements
Associative array (or index-by table) Unbounded
Nested table Unbounded Integer Starts dense
Example of index by table: Following example shows how to create a table to store integer values along with names and later it prints the same
list of names.
set serveroutput on;
name VARCHAR2(20);
-- adding elements to the table
sal_list('Rajnish') := 62000;
sal_list('Minakshi') := 75000;
sal_list('Martin') := 100000;
sal_list('James') := 78000;
-- printing the table
name := sal_list.FIRST;
name := sal_list.NEXT(name);
Sometime after putting set serveroutput on also output not showing in sql developer output screens so solution is go to view > dbms_output and
run the pgm and get the output dialogue box on oracle sql developer tool.
Important Notes to be notes:
Example of nested table:--
Elements of a nested table can also be a %ROWTYPE of any database table or %TYPE of any database table field. The following example illustrates the concept.
The CUSTOMERS table that is kept in our database will be used as −
CURSOR c_customers is
SELECT name FROM customers;
TYPE c_list IS TABLE of customerS.No.ame%type;
name_list c_list := c_list();
counter integer :=0;
FOR n IN c_customers LOOP
counter := counter +1;
name_list(counter) :=;
Collection Methods:--
Returns FALSE otherwise; returns TRUE if the nth element in a collection is present.
gives back how many elements are in a collection at any given time.
Checks the maximum size of a collection.
Returns the last (maximum) index numbers in a collection that uses the integer subscripts.
Exception for CollectionGrown Up in Context:
The collection is empty:-- An atomically null collection is what you are attempting to work on.
NOTHING_FOUND:--An associative array's deleted or nonexistent elements are indicated via a subscript.
SUBTITLE BEYOND COUNT:--The number of elements in a collection is greater than the subscript.
SUBTITLE_OUTSIDE_LIMITATION:--The subscript is not within the permitted range.
Value Error:--A subscript cannot be converted to the key type or is null.
If the subscript is outside of the PLS_INTEGER range and the key is declared as such, an exception may result.
Q #1) Can you explain what Oracle Forms are and why are they necessary?
Answer: The user interfaces created to show the data to the user are called Oracle Forms. Once this information is obtained from the
database Oracle.Forms can be coupled with Java or web services if necessary in order to adhere to SOA architecture.
Forms are initially saved as.fmb files at the source and then compiled into.fmx files (executable files).
Q #2) Describe the various tiers of interaction between Oracle Form Services.
Answer:As a three-tier application, Oracle Form Services will communicate at the following levels:
• Customer Level
• Level of the Server
• Level of Database
At the client level, a client will send the system HTTP requests.
This process will send a request to the database to retrieve the data and provide it back to the client.
The user interaction pipeline for Oracle Forms Services is now finished.
Q#3) In a multi-form application, is it possible to call one form from another?
Answer: yes, below are the options:
• OPEN_FORM: This allows the user to navigate to both the requested and current forms inside the same session. It opens both forms simultaneously.
• NEW_FORM: After closing the current form, it will also open a new one.
• CALL_FORM: It will keep the parent form active but hidden in order to open the specified form. After completing the requested form,Returns control to the parent form.
Q #4) What is LOV and tell me its usage?
Answer: LOV is a list of values populated in a pop-up window and is displayed to the end-user for selection.
There is a related property known as ‘LOV for Validation’ which is used to validate contents of LOV. If this property is set to true,
the current value of text item is compared with the values displayed in the first column of LOV.
Q#5) Describe what an Oracle Forms canvas is.
Answer:In a window, canvas is a layer where visual elements such as graphics and interface elements can be positioned. Four canvas kinds are supported by Oracle Forms, as listed below:---
• The default canvas, or content canvas
• Tabular representation
• The toolbar canvas
• Stackable canvas
Important notes:there are 3 pillars or mandatory components to build a form are datablocks, canvas and window.
6. In user defined exceptions, if there is any error occurred, will it terminate the program or continue the program?
7. Where you will define mail body in alert?
8. Types of tables in plsql?
6. in user defined exceptions, if there is any error will it terminate the program or continue the program?
Solution : the control will go to exception block and there execute the exception and then complete the program.
7. Where you will define mail body in alert?
Solution : Alert manager>alerd definition screen>action button>details
8.Types of tables in plsql.
Solution :
Three types of collections, or table types, are available in PL/SQL.
• Nested tables or Associative arrays with index-by tables
• Varray, or variable-size array
The structure of both nested and index-by PL/SQL table types is the same, and the subscript notation is used to retrieve their entries. One thing separates these two kinds of tables, though: nested tables can be kept in a database column, whereas index-by Tables are unable to.
Collection Type Number of Elements
Associative array (or index-by table) Unbounded
Nested table Unbounded Integer Starts dense
Example of index by table: Following example shows how to create a table to store integer values along with names and later it prints the same
list of names.
set serveroutput on;
name VARCHAR2(20);
-- adding elements to the table
sal_list('Rajnish') := 62000;
sal_list('Minakshi') := 75000;
sal_list('Martin') := 100000;
sal_list('James') := 78000;
-- printing the table
name := sal_list.FIRST;
name := sal_list.NEXT(name);
Sometime after putting set serveroutput on also output not showing in sql developer output screens so solution is go to view > dbms_output and
run the pgm and get the output dialogue box on oracle sql developer tool.
Important Notes to be notes:
Example of nested table:--
Elements of a nested table can also be a %ROWTYPE of any database table or %TYPE of any database table field. The following example illustrates the concept.
The CUSTOMERS table that is kept in our database will be used as −
CURSOR c_customers is
SELECT name FROM customers;
TYPE c_list IS TABLE of customerS.No.ame%type;
name_list c_list := c_list();
counter integer :=0;
FOR n IN c_customers LOOP
counter := counter +1;
name_list(counter) :=;
Collection Methods:--
Returns FALSE otherwise; returns TRUE if the nth element in a collection is present.
gives back how many elements are in a collection at any given time.
Checks the maximum size of a collection.
Returns the last (maximum) index numbers in a collection that uses the integer subscripts.
Exception for CollectionGrown Up in Context:
The collection is empty:-- An atomically null collection is what you are attempting to work on.
NOTHING_FOUND:--An associative array's deleted or nonexistent elements are indicated via a subscript.
SUBTITLE BEYOND COUNT:--The number of elements in a collection is greater than the subscript.
SUBTITLE_OUTSIDE_LIMITATION:--The subscript is not within the permitted range.
Value Error:--A subscript cannot be converted to the key type or is null.
If the subscript is outside of the PLS_INTEGER range and the key is declared as such, an exception may result.
Q #1) Can you explain what Oracle Forms are and why are they necessary?
Answer: The user interfaces created to show the data to the user are called Oracle Forms. Once this information is obtained from the
database Oracle.Forms can be coupled with Java or web services if necessary in order to adhere to SOA architecture.
Forms are initially saved as.fmb files at the source and then compiled into.fmx files (executable files).
Q #2) Describe the various tiers of interaction between Oracle Form Services.
Answer:As a three-tier application, Oracle Form Services will communicate at the following levels:
• Customer Level
• Level of the Server
• Level of Database
At the client level, a client will send the system HTTP requests.
This process will send a request to the database to retrieve the data and provide it back to the client.
The user interaction pipeline for Oracle Forms Services is now finished.
Q#3) In a multi-form application, is it possible to call one form from another?
Answer: yes, below are the options:
• OPEN_FORM: This allows the user to navigate to both the requested and current forms inside the same session. It opens both forms simultaneously.
• NEW_FORM: After closing the current form, it will also open a new one.
• CALL_FORM: It will keep the parent form active but hidden in order to open the specified form. After completing the requested form,Returns control to the parent form.
Q #4) What is LOV and tell me its usage?
Answer: LOV is a list of values populated in a pop-up window and is displayed to the end-user for selection.
There is a related property known as ‘LOV for Validation’ which is used to validate contents of LOV. If this property is set to true,
the current value of text item is compared with the values displayed in the first column of LOV.
Q#5) Describe what an Oracle Forms canvas is.
Answer:In a window, canvas is a layer where visual elements such as graphics and interface elements can be positioned. Four canvas kinds are supported by Oracle Forms, as listed below:---
• The default canvas, or content canvas
• Tabular representation
• The toolbar canvas
• Stackable canvas
Important notes:there are 3 pillars or mandatory components to build a form are datablocks, canvas and window.
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