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Oracle Apps(EBS) Interview Questions and Answers Part 3

Oracle Apps(EBS) Interview Questions and Answers Part 3:--

QUESTION 24. Define SQL Loader ?

Solution :
Sql loader is a utility resembling a bulk loader for the purpose of moving data that are present in external files towards the oracle


QUESTION 25. How to register concurrent program with oracle apps?

Solution :
system administrator> concurrent program

The first step is to log in to your system using the system administrator's credentials. Defining an executable concurrent program is the next stage. Be careful to provide the application name when defining a concurrent program. brief name, program description, and concurrent executable program.

QUESTION 25.1. Define set – of books?

Solution :

A collection of charts related to accounts, currencies, and calendars is called a set of books.

Go to GL >Setup > Financials>Accounting Setup.

Important Notes:

One ledger can have multiple legal entities added to it.

One Ledger can have several Operating Units attached to it.

Legal Entities are derived with Operating Unit attached to responsibility through Ledger attached to them thats how multiple operating Units can be mapped to one legal Entity.

QUESTION 26. What is a value set?

Solution :

Value set are list of values(LOV) that are usually predefined and used in Flexfields and concurrent program.

Types of value set:--

1. None: this is the indication of minimal validation.

2. Independent: Input should be there in the list of values that are predefined.

3. Dependent: According to the previous value, input is compared with a subset of values.

4. Table: Input is validated on the basis of values that exist in the application table.

5. Special: These are the values that make use of flex field.

6. Pair: A pair can be defined as the set of values that make use of flex fields.

7. TrSolutionlated Independent: This is a kind of value that can be made used only if there is any existence for the input in the list that is defined


8. TrSolutionlatable dependent: In this kind of validation rules that compare the input with the subset of values associated with the previously defined


Important notes: Oracle applications employ value sets to limit the values that users can enter.

The window "value sets" is open under System Administrator>Application>validation >set.

QUESTION 27. Define the Types of validation(types of value sets)?

Solution :
There are various kinds of validation.

8. None: this is the indication of minimal validation.

9. Independent: Input should be there in the list of values that are predefined.

10. Dependent: According to the previous value, input is compared with a subset of values.

11. Table: Input is validated on the basis of values that exist in the application table.

12. Special: These are the values that make use of flex field.

13. Pair: A pair can be defined as the set of values that make use of flex fields.

14. TrSolutionlated Independent: This is a kind of value that can be made used only if there is any existence for the input in the list that is defined previously.

8. TrSolutionlatable dependent: In this kind of validation rules that compare the input with the subset of values associated with the previously defined list.

QUESTION 28. Define Template?

Solution :
A template is a type of form that must be created before any other kind can be created. It's a type of form that includes attachments linked to a specific library that work across platforms.

QUESTION 29. Which attachments are included in the template and don't depend on a particular platform?

Solution :
The template form has multiple attachments attached to it. APPSCORE is a type of attachment that includes methods and packages that may be used to create toolbars, menus, and other forms in many kinds of applications.

APPSDAYPK: Packages for administering Oracle-related apps are included in this attachment.

FNDSQF: This attachment includes packages for message dictionaries, flex fields, profiles, and concurrent processing in addition to a number of methods.

CUSTOM: You can extend Oracle's application forms with this attachment, which doesn't need modifying the application code itself. Zoom is one of the many modification options.

QUESTION 30. Define Ad-hoc reports?

Solution :

This type of report is designed to meet the reporting requirements of a specific period.

Ad hoc financial reports can be specified as needed to satisfy unique reporting requirements. When you run financial reports,

you can define an ad hoc report. Ad hoc reports don't have names attached to them.

Instead, General Ledger automatically names ad hoc reports as follows:


The methods below outline how to define and run an ad hoc financial report:

1. Open the window for "Run Financial Reports."

2. Select the box marked "Define Ad Hoc Report."

3. Type in the sets of rows and columns that will be used in the report.

4. Enter the budget, encumbrance, and currency control figures, as well as any other report information.

5. Select OK to bring up the Run Financial Reports window once more.

QUESTION 31. What is the Definition of responsibility?

Solution :

The process of making the collection of different modules user-accessible is called responsibility.

System Administrator > Security > Role and Responsibilities > Describe

QUESTION 32: What is Menu in Oracle Apps?

Solution :

All a menu is is a collection of functions (forms) that makes sense or is arranged hierarchically so that the user can quickly travel through the forms once he is in a accountability. Multiple duties can be assigned to a single menu.

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